What is Vipassana?
Vipassana meditation is a form of meditation that originates from ancient India and has been practiced for over 2,500 years. It is a technique that focuses on self-observation and self-awareness, and it aims to help practitioners gain insight into the nature of their mind and the world around them. One of the most popular traditions of vipassana meditation is the S N Goenka tradition, which is widely known for its 10-day silent meditation courses.
The 10-day silent meditation courses in the S N Goenka tradition are intense, immersive experiences designed to teach students the vipassana meditation technique. During the course, students are required to remain in complete silence, abstain from all forms of communication, and follow a strict schedule of meditation and rest. The course is held at one of the many meditation centers around the world, and students are provided with basic accommodation and vegetarian meals.
The first three days of the course focus on learning Anapana meditation, which involves concentrating on the breath to develop awareness of the present moment. After this initial stage, students move on to the vipassana technique, which involves observing physical sensations throughout the body without reacting to them. This technique aims to develop equanimity and detachment towards the sensations, allowing the practitioner to gain insight into the nature of the mind and the world.
The S N Goenka tradition emphasizes the importance of a daily meditation practice and encourages students to continue practicing after completing the course. To support this, the tradition provides online resources and community groups for students to continue their practice and deepen their understanding of the technique.
At Yoga Tangalle Shala, we recognize the value of vipassana meditation and its potential to transform the mind and cultivate inner peace. While we do not offer the 10-day silent meditation courses in the S N Goenka tradition, we do have access to resources that provide simple beginner guidance to learning Anapana meditation. We incorporate one hour of silent meditation, morning and evening, into our daily yoga schedule. We welcome all students to join us in this practice.

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